Saturday, March 4, 2017

Day 66, 67, 68 & 69 March 1,2,3 &4, 2017 Bryn Mawr RV Resort, St. Augustine, Fla

March 1, 2017  - Today we left Long Point and made  the 154 mile drive to Bryn Mawr RV Resort in Saint Augustine. It was an uneventful journey with light traffic. We arrived around 2 pm to beautiful weather and bright sunshine. 

We set up and sat outside  enjoying the rest of the day. Jewel is always happy here because she is allowed on the beach so two long walks were on the agenda before sunset. The sites here are a little tight but the upside is we are a very short walk to the beach.

We could not get a beach front site  and the park is full for the month of March. 

We met several couples from MA. One couple from Norton, another from Plum Island and a third from Plymouth. Feels like old home week here. LOL 

March 2, 2017 -  As per our usual record here in Saint Augustine the weather did not stay warm and sunny. The temp dropped to the 60's with the wind blowing and overcast skies. Rain is predicted early so we were up and out the door to get our beach walk in before the rain. 

Cloudy Skies 
We did mange to get a wind blown walk (1.5 miles) on the beach. Had to turn around when it started to sprinkle. About 1/2 mile from our site the wind picked up to gale force and it felt like the temp dropped  20 degrees. With the sand whipping in our faces we hurried back to the MH. 

Within moments of getting inside the MH the torrential rains began and lasted for over an hour. We have been here at least five times and have experienced the same weather pattern each time. Go figure!

It rained off and on all day so we stayed inside reading. The rain finally ended around 5 pm.  I took the clothes to the laundromat (my washer/dryer died) to get that chore out of the way. 

Later that evening Bernice and Ken from Norton came over for a visit. We had an enjoyable time getting to know each other  and planned to spend some time with them on Friday. 

March 3, 2017 - It got really cold last night requiring us to pull out our winter PJ's. This morning we tried for another walk on the beach but it was way to windy and cold so we marched back to the MH. So much for the three beach days we were planning on here. 

We spent some time  with Bernice and Ken again today sharing stories and laughter. It was a fun afternoon - but no beach!

The wind died down around 5:30 pm so we decided to try the beach walk again. This time we donned our jeans, sweatshirts and jackets for the journey. 

Here we are in Anchorage, FLA. Lol 

All in all it has been a great three days here despite our usual weather change  each time we get here. Sure is a lot cooler from where we have been. But then again, we are heading North. 

Bernice & Ken invited us out for ice cream later in the evening so of course we couldn't resist. Lol. We will be staying in Saint Augustine until the 9th but have to move to another CG  tomorrow about 9 miles inland.  No beach but we are OK with that. 

Did I mention that there are recently hatched baby turtles here? We got lucky enough to see one on the boardwalk. I think it got separated from its' brothers and sisters. 

Hiding in its' shell after Jewel sniffed it!

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